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現在地 トップページ > 分類でさがす > くらし・手続き > 相談 > 相談窓口 > 外国語人権相談ダイヤル(Foreign-language Human Rights Hotline)


外国語人権相談ダイヤル(Foreign-language Human Rights Hotline)

記事ID:0002150 更新日:2021年1月29日更新 印刷ページ表示

The phone number (Navi Dial) below is available for human rights counselling for those who are unable to speak Japanese fluently.Feel free to consult with us by Telephone from anywhere in Japan.




Days and Hours

Weekdays 9時00分 through 17時00分(Closed on public holidays and December 29th through January 3rd)


English, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Portuguese, Vietnamese

Your call will be directed to the nearest Bureau to you via a multilingual  interpretation service company.Please be careful not to dial a wrong number.

問い合わせ先 法務局人権擁護局(Human Rights Bureau,Ministry of Justice)
電話番号 0570-090911





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